
Our centers of knowledge are equipped with the most resourceful books, journals and learning resources to provide you with the most enlightening pool of knowledge. Our spacious reading spaces, create an ambiance which inspires your reading senses, while at the same time satisfies your inquisitive elements. A blend of ancient and modern, makes up our student friendly reading experience an enlightening one. Our flexible service hours, go on to provide you with the highest convenience in accessing the library. Add-on services like Book-Bank, Old Question-Papers, Stationary are also available in the Central Library.

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 1 Student’s – Staff Visit Book Report 2023 – 24 (First Term) 4 Library Book Dead Stock (2019 to 2023 7 Alumni Records (2019 to 2023) 10 GMC PRESS-NOTES 2021-22 (FIRST TERM)
2 Student’s – Staff Visit Book Records (2019 to 2023) 5 Newspaper Records (2019 to 2024) 8 GMC PRESS-NOTES (2019-20) 11 GMC PRESS-NOTES 2021-22 (SECOND TERM)


Book Issue Return Records (2019 to 2023 6 Book Bank Book Issue Records (2019 to 2023) 9 GMC PRESS-NOTES (2020-21) 12 GMC PRESS-NOTES 2022-23 (FIRST TERM)