Theorizing Lockdown

Theorizing Lockdown: The Two sides of the same coin

Dr Anupam R. Nagar

Honorary Provost-AKVT & Senior Principal Gurukul Mahila Arts & Commerce College, Porbandar

Zindagi ki rahon mein

Ranjo-gam ke mele hain

Bhid hai kayamatki

Phir bhi hum akele hain


Since times immemorial, man has always been alone. Although isolation in times of the Corona Pandemic is now mandatory for preserving and maintaining social health, for some it is like going where one has never been before. In fact, being locked-down in one’s own island is not new for human beings. As a thinking-social-animal man has wandered separately and has periodically experienced loneliness from the existential point of view. The Bible refers to the period of rainfall, when it rained for forty days & forty nights, that Noah endured in the Ark (Genesis 7: 12). This also parallels to the time that Jesus spent in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-2). In both the difficult situations one learns about the virtues of ‘Patience’ and ‘Hope’ that lead Noah and Jesus successfully through the difficult period. An effort would be made in this paper to theorize the idea of lockdown as it emerges from the word ‘Lockdown’:


  • ‘L’ in Lockdown: The letter ‘L’ stands for the idea of loneliness that goes hand-in-hand with Lockdown of any kind. A compulsive lockdown at the physical level does carry a proportionate mental and spiritual lockdown in case a person has not been maintaining a unity of head, heart and hand. There is every possibility of a psychological and emotional impact coming about. The change in daily routine and shift to media consumption could create a lockdown monster resulting in self-isolation and mental collapse.
  • ‘O’ in Lockdown: The letter ‘O’ stands for the outstanding virtues of understanding ‘separation’ with ‘kindness’, ‘strength’ and ‘hope’ in order to reconnect with friends and family. Only those individuals that aligned to ethical principles have left a mark in human history. The letter ‘O’ also connotes Optimism at all times and in all walks of life.
  • ‘C’ in Lockdown: The letter ‘C’ is perhaps the most defining trait of an individual corned in a boundary situation. Character – both individual and social is actually put to test. All the layers of ‘masks’ that an individual ‘puts-on’ while playing different roles in the society vanish when a person is by himself and with himself. Lockdown is a situation when a person sees his ‘true character’. All the value-systems that one has been raving about really amount to nothing when you discover that you have been a hypocrite all along.
  • ‘K’ in Lockdown: The letter ‘K’ holds the ‘Key’ to overcome the Lockdown phase. Jesus Christ had rightly said, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. (Mark-10: 25 KJV). The ‘Key’ is the key of ‘uprightness’, ‘belief in God’, ‘selflessness’, ‘total surrender’ that distinguishes a ‘believer’ from a hypocrite who means exactly the opposite of what he says/prays. These virtues go on a long way in retaining the ‘mental equilibrium’ or ‘emotional equipoise’ in a state of prolonged lockdown.
  • ‘D’ in Lockdown: The letter ‘D’ suggests the ‘Do’s’ and ‘Don’ts’ to be kept in mind during the lockdown period. A few of the ‘Do’s’ would be regular physical breathing exercises, a high-degree of ‘optimism’ while the ‘Don’ts’ would be avoiding exposure, visits to public places etc. The point to be borne in mind is the preservation of all through self-preservation. Social-purification through self-purification.
  • ‘O’ in Lockdown: The letter ‘O’ stands for ‘Outstanding’ – a term applicable to those who have understood what ‘True education’ is all about. That education is for life and not for living holds the key to being christened ‘Outstanding’. In fact, how much of ‘True education’ one has actually assimilated is again put to test in such challenging situations. But for those who ‘know’ that education is for a meaningful, worthwhile life that aims at ‘total transformation’ not ‘accumulation of information’ would get through the lockdown phase in all earnestness for s/he ‘knows’ that this too is a part of education. While on the contrary the factors of frustration, negativity, pessimism, loss of interest would suggest that ‘True education’ has not really left a long-lasting impact on our very being.
  • ‘W’ in Lockdown: An adage beautifully sums up the philosophy of lie, The wise man learns both from books and life. As people across the world are fighting against the Corona virus, the lockdown has pressed us to espouse many other habits to tackle loneliness and isolation. One of these includes reading books. According to UNESCO, In some countries, the number of books read has doubled ( since the pandemic forced people to stay home. The pandemic has also reminded us all about the importance of books and reading for comfort and escapism. Quite rightly it is said, that a wise person learns from his mistakes. A wiser one learns from others’ mistakes. But the wisest person of all learns from others’ successes (
  • ‘N’ In Lockdown: The letter ‘N’ stands for ‘Nature’. The nature of lockdown depends on the conditions that necessitated it. As all types of social, economic, industrial and urbanization activity suddenly stopped. ‘Nature’ reflected the advantages and showed improvement in the quality of air, cleaner rivers, less noise-pollution, undisturbed and calm wild-life. To put if matter-of-factly the human virus has been responsible for infecting Nature since ages now. Thus necessitating a lockdown for the restoration of balance in Nature. Perhaps Nature has pressed the reset button to rejuvenate and heal its wild-life.


In effect, the term ‘Lockdown’ has both a surface meaning and an implied meaning. Literally speaking no lockdown of any kind is welcome as it disrupts the very dynamism of life. Since ages mankind has been witnessing phenomenal growth and development in all sectors of life and living. However at a metaphorical level, LOCKDOWN is a reminder that we should be making conscious efforts to ensure that the balance of NATURE is not disturbed and that transgression of any kind carries a proportionate punishment along with it.

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